Holy Trinity

  • The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

    Holy Trinity CWL 2023-2024 Council Executive 

    President - Fatima Cabral
    Vice President/Organization: Linda Ferraro
    Secretary: Joanne Thomson
    Treasurer: Christine Gable

    To contact Holy Trinity CWL please send an e-mail to: [email protected] or see the latest newsletter for detailed contact information.
    Our regular meetings take place the first Wednesday of each month at 7 pm in the Parish Life Centre.

  • Find us on Facebook


    We have several online resources that provide interesting reading and valuable information concerning all levels of the CWL. 
    National Catholic Women’s League website http://www.cwl.ca   
    Contains information about the league, communiqués from committees and executive members, convention information, annual reports, resolutions.

    Catholic Women's League National theme: "Here I am Lord, send me"

    On the Spot found on the National website features council work and activities. We are invited to send in news items from our councils. 
    You can read The League Magazine or Be League online. 
    Ontario Provincial CWL website http://www.cwl.on.ca
    You can sign up to receive the ON-line newsletter by email.  
    London Diocesan CWL website www.cwllondon.ca