On July 4th 2022, the three parishes of Holy Cross Polish Community in Woodstock, Holy Trinity Parish in Woodstock and Sacred Heart Parish in Ingersoll officially became one Family of Parishes.
Our Family Name
The reasoning behind the name is two-fold:
1. We followed the policy of the Diocese that the family name refers to the GEOGRAPHICAL AREA where the parishes are situated
-The first Catholic Church in Oxford County (St. Augustine) was built in 1838 in Beachville (which at that time was in North Oxford Township). St. Augustine was only the eighth Catholic Church built in what was then, the entire ‘Province of Upper Canada’.
-This Church served the faithful from the surrounding area including Woodstock, Ingersoll, the Townships of North Oxford, East Oxford, West Oxford, East Nissouri, East Zorra and Blandford, Blenheim. Our Family will include members from all these areas as our parishes include these same geographical boundaries.
-Together these Catholics shared one priest and worked together as one group building the Catholic faith in our area.
This is similar to the FAMILY of PARISHES model we will become part of a larger faith family benefitting from, and working together, dedicated to advancing our mission, to share Christ with those around us, and grow our parishes!
4-go lipca 2022 roku dwie parafie z Woodstock; Świętego Krzyża i Trójcy Świętej, oraz Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa z Ingersoll utworzyły Rodzinę Parafialną.
Tytuł Rodziny:
Nazwa rodziny ma podwójne znaczenie:
Podobnie jak wiele lat temu, my też będziemy mieli okazję do współpracy z sąsiednimi parafiami dla wspólnego rozwoju i szerzenia wiary w Chrystusa.
After much discussion and consideration, the Transition Team has decided on a logo for the North Oxford Catholic Family of Parishes. In our deliberations, we gravitated to a logo which would incorporate symbols of all three parishes:
INTERTWINED to represent togetherness / unity / equality / cooperation / sharing / collaboration
HEART - (Sacred Heart) – Also representing God’s love that we strive to share with others
CROSS – (Holy Cross) - The cross identifies who we are. We are followers of Christ.
TRIQUETRA – (Holy Trinity)- Triquetra is an ancient symbol of the Trinity, three in one, 3 parishes becoming one Family
RED is the color of fire symbolizes the presence of the Holy Spirit
GREEN – a colour used in Ordinary Time- a time set aside for reflecting on and celebrating our call to follow Jesus in discipleship and evangelize
PURPLE- represents royalty, wisdom, peace, devotion
Although our three parishes will become one Family, we will still keep our individuality and uniqueness.
Po długich dyskusjach zostało wytworzone logo. Jest ono podsumowaniem symboli wszystkich trzech kościołów.
PLECIONKA – reprezentuje współpracę, jedność i równość
SERCE – (Sacred Heart, Ingersoll) – Boża miłość, którą staramy się dzielić z bliźnimi
KRZYŻ – (Holy Cross, Woodstock) – symbol chrześcijaństwa
TRÓJCA ŚWIĘTA – (Holy Trinity, Woodstock) – trzy parafie tworzące jedną rodzinę
KOLOR CZERWONY – symbol ognia i Ducha Świętego
KOLOR ZIELONY – używany w kościele w ”czasie zwykłym”, czas zadumy nad naszym misyjnym powołaniem
KOLOR FIOLETOWY – symbol królestwa, mądrości, poświęcenia i pokoju
Trzy parafie będą należały do jednej Rodziny, ale nadal będziemy oddzielnymi kościołami kontynuującymi naszą odrębność i specyficzny charakter działalności.