As living signs of Christ’s presence, we will respond to the call to personal holiness given to all by committing ourselves to opportunities for ongoing conversion and spiritual renewal.
We strive to keep Christ in our midst, to grow in our relationship with Him, and to become a beacon for others
Called by Christ, we will evangelize through the clear proclamation of the Gospel and the constant teaching of the Catholic faith, assuring that such proclamation and teaching is linked to the life experience of the people.
Our goal is to be a welcoming community, reaching out to all people (those in our pews and in the greater community) with the message of the Gospel.
With out sights set on the mission of Jesus, we will minister with justice and compassion to the wounded, the searching, the entrapped and those in material and spiritual need.
Support and grow our ministries to serve the void in our community to bring the love of Jesus to all through our actions.
As the Body of Christ, formed by word and sacrament, we will make provision for meaningful liturgical celebrations in our parish communities to ensure full, conscious and active participation by all.
Inviting all to co-responsible ministry, we will encourage and support the ongoing formation of laity, religious and ordained.
Encourage and support ongoing faith formation.
Imitating Christ the servant-leader, we will employ and model governance practices at all levels that seek to: meet the needs of God’s people, support the Church’s mission, ensure appropriate participation in decision-making by the laity, religious and ordained, uphold Gospel stewardship, and promote accountability and transparency.