Sacred Heart Ingersoll

  • The CWL “Catholic Women’s League” is a sisterhood of Catholic Women. Our council was first established on April21, 1921.

    The League calls its members to grow in faith and to witness to the love of God through Ministry and Service.

    Reasons to belong
    1. We pray for one another
    2. We are Catholic women of Action
    3. We care for the less fortunate
    4. We support our Parish

    Our council meets regularly on the 1st Tuesday of the Month

    Through our fundraising events we support charities locally, abroad, our local schools and parish.  Our fundraising events have included yard sales, fashion shows, bazaars, paint night, coffee Sundays and Funeral luncheons.  Each year we plan these events and set a budget for our charities we support.


  • It is a rewarding experience to work collaborating with many different age groups and experience.  It is a wonderful Sisterhood to belong to.

    National theme is "Here I am Lord, send me"


    There are 4 types of membership.  Although we would love for all to participate, we know that in some cases it is not feasible.  Please read over the 4 types of membership available and choose the one that suits you best.
    A) Fully Active Members: These members pay dues, attend meetings, take part in business procedures with voting privileges, serve on committees, and can take advantage of  the  many  opportunities  for  personal  and  spiritual  development offered by the League.
    B) Partially  Active  Members:  These  members  pay  dues, but  cannot  always  attend meetings or functions. They are willing to help when needed, on a task-by-task basis.  They want to be part  of  the  organization  and  make  a  difference but have limited time to offer. 
    C) Financially Supportive Members: These members pay dues to support the national organization and their local council.  They cannot be fully or partially active currently but may become more involved in the future. They wish to stay informed of events and educational updates through the CWL website and The Canadian League magazine
     D) Prayer partners: These members pay dues, taking part spiritually as prayer partners – either with a specific person or generally for the members. In turn, they are included in all CWL prayers. (We do not contact you with this option)

    contact us at [email protected]